With the refugee crisis from Ukraine being high on the EU agenda, Milieu has been involved in several projects that support EU institutions in their efforts to manage a massive influx of displaced persons from Ukraine. A recently finished project for the European Labour Authority (ELA) has focused on the EU and EFTA Member States’ response to the Ukrainian crisis with regard to employment and social security/welfare.

Joining forces with Eftheia, Milieu provided an EU-level legal assessment and a country-level synthetic overview of the legal framework and other public support instruments adopted at Member State level aimed at implementing the Temporary Protection Directive (Directive 2001/55/EC). As displaced persons benefiting from temporary protection enjoy free access to the labour market, the project focused on their rights with regard to employment and social security/welfare as well as an on overview of any other national measures having a potential impact on EU labour mobility. Individual country fiches are published on dedicated ELA’s website.