Mariya GanchevaManager

Areas of expertise
  • Policy evaluations
  • Economic analysis
  • Project management
  •  Environmental policy
  • Climate and energy policy
  • EU Funds
  • MSc, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (DK)
  • BSc, Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam,Amsterdam (NL)
  • Bulgarian, English, French

Mariya is an Associate Senior Advisor at Milieu where her work involves research, evaluations and economic analysis on topics within climate, energy and environmental policy and EU funds for different EU institutions. She has experience with the use of the Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines for policy evaluations and impact assessments. For instances, her work includes an ex-post evaluation and an impact assessment of possible options to improve the implementation of the Aarhus Convention in the EU, an evaluation of European Investment Bank’s (EIB) mainstreaming of climate action in its operations, and an ex-post assessment of activities supported by the Sustainable Water Integrated Management I (SWIM-I) programme. In addition, Mariya has managed various assignments, including studies on the role of local and regional authorities in the EU Long Term Strategy for climate neutrality and the role of local energy communities in the energy transition. Mariya has experience with different data collection methods, including desk research, surveys and stakeholder interviews, database management and stakeholder engagement, and works with tools such as EU Survey and Survey Monkey.