Milieu is proud that we have been awarded by the Commission with a study on the Control of radioactive sources in the European Union together with our lead partner Wood. The objective of the study is to monitor and evaluate Member States’ activities for the implementation of the Euratom Basic Safety Standards (BSS) Directive requirements concerning the management of radioactive sources and the management of disused radioactive sources against the IAEA guidance. This evaluation shall facilitate the detection of problematic issues, an exchange of experiences and resolutions of the said issues, and the identification of good practices and areas for possible improvement. Based upon the information collected and the conclusions drawn by us, the Commission will have the necessary elements to decide on the completeness and adequacy of implementation in each Member State, and to provide guidance on a harmonised EU-level approach on the management and control of radioactive sources.

We will carry out the study in parallel to a compliance assessment of the legislation of all 28 Member States with the Basic Safety Directive – a study which was awarded to Milieu and GRS in 2018.